Trafinz Workshops
Free to members
School Speed Limits Webinar
2nd May 2022
The draft Speed Limits Rule (2022) indicates that there will be need for RCA's to introduce 30km/h speed limits around schools.
This free webinar provides an opportunity for RCA practitioners to hear from Waka Kotahi about the work that they have been doing to help RCA's understand how to prioritise this roll out, and to hear from other RCA's journeys to date with implementation of school speed limits.
School Travel Planning Workshop (Cancelled)
29 April 2020
Innovating streets for people
27 March 2019
Dreaming and scheming for Safety Strategy 2030
20 June 2018
Achieving a step change in speed
28 March 2018
Motorcycling in the safe system
13 September 2017
Pedestrian safety
21 June 2017
Trafinz workshop and executive meeting
6 April 2017
Workshop on pedestrian safety
11 December 2014